Monday, July 12, 2010

Martin Margiela at Somerset House, London - 20 Years in the biz

Very well executed in my opinion, it was very interactive. A booklet was given out at the beginning explaining each section of the exhibition -- which I thought enriched the experience. I've been to a bunch of these exhibitions 'de la mode' in Paris at Les Arts Decoratifs. They all tend to be very similar, a presentation of pieces from their archives, grouped in different sections according to collection/theme. At the end of the first half of the exhibition on the first floor, before you go up, there is a video playing of old fashion shows. Although it is a privilege to see the clothes, I must admit comparatively these exhibitions were not as interesting. This has nothing to do with the quality of the pieces, but everything to do with the way the exhibitions are laid out. The interaction element in the Margiela exhibition made it so much more interesting. They showcased major themes in collections from the archives but they also presented production methods. The work was presented in a variety of ways from video, to mannequin, to being hung up on a board. The eyes always had something new to see.

Major themes included: paint. 

More paint. 

Focus on these japanese-style shoes. I'm not a fan, I think they look like Camel's feet.  

This fur coat was amazing, my favourite piece in the collection that was on show. Its made from 2 different vintage fur coats. 

A large part of the exhibition was dedicated to pieces that are made from something else. Like this coat made from plastic. Or vests made from plates and such. 

I loved this, printed photographs. The effect is profound and interesting. My other favourite in the show 

This was the best of the prints. 

Anonymity. This has been a major theme at Margiela since its inception. Martin Margiela, the designer believes the clothes should speak for themselves. Bravo, I say, sometimes the apparel industry can be a bit of a media circus. 

Anonymity in awesome sunny g's. 

These photos are from the book about the exhibition. We weren't allowed to take photographs, and they had people patrolling to make sure no one was naughty!!
 I'm back in Singapore, so more to come on Asia. 

Much love 

Freya xxx

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Sunset, Hong Kong

Space Outlet -- very nicely laid out, and a great selection. Hong Kong

Star spangled banner, Brooklyn, NY

Pool in bar, The Black Room at The Standard. NY, NY 

Gold Bar. NY, NY 

Fuck You. NY, NY 

More to come soon. I'm in London at the moment, hoping to go check out the Margiela exhibition at Somerset House tomorrow. WIll let you know how it goes. 

Much love, 

Freya xxxx