Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello Again Singapore

Dior once said "one breathes in fashion with the very air of Paris." Well in Singapore...not so much. And you read this a lot, its not just me being spoilt. They say its because Singaporians dress for comfort, you know flip flops and tank tops and such. But I'm not so sure that's accurate. In fact, I think thats a terrible excuse. Yeah, its really humid here. But, as we often say in NY -- "suck it up". So I guess the lack of fashion in Singapore deterred me from writing the blog..for a whole 3 months. But I'm back, armed with inspiration. 

I'm not being a hundred percent fair, I must admit that Singapore isn't completely devoid of fashion. If you want luxury -- this is certainly the place to come. They have malls upon malls filled with Gucci, Prada, Giuseppe, Herve, YSL, Chanel, Louboutin and many many more! Singapore actually rescued me in a shoe crisis I had earlier this season. As you know, I had been coveting the black, leather Burberry Prorsum motorcycle boots since September when I first saw them in an editorial. And I stopped by Burberry at Ion to peruse what they had on offer (completely doubtful that they would have them), and they did!!! I was ready to make the purchase, when horror of horrors the salesman tells me they're 1899 SGD...."UMMM, excuse ME? They're 550 sterling, how can they be that much?" (Taking into considering the exchange rate as around 2.25 at the time -- these boots were a whopping 660 SGD or 300 sterling more than their English couterparts!!!!) Angry and upset, I quickly left. I searched on net-a-porter, only to find that they were sold out. Reluctantly, I put myself on the waiting list. I also called everyday to get the status of the delivery. One, sad morning on my daily call, the fashion advisor breaks the awful news "The order has been cancelled; production issues."

PRODUCTION ISSUES!!!! I hastily made phone calls to  the Burberry's of the world, I even had my boyfriend of only a few months assuring me that if they had some in California his mother could pick them up!! SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE. And then....from the darkness Singapore arose in my esteem -- I called Ion Orchard, they had one last pair in my size! 

And I lived happily ever after. Thank you Singapore, and of course, thank you Christopher Bailey. 

Mine, all mine. 

Freya xxx

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