Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Singapore is Feeding my Obsession with Japan

One fine day, I decided to head down to Haji lane, near Arab street. I had heard a lot of hype about this little lane.  I was very happily surprised to find that there was a small flea market going on. I found the cutest little book-stall, which had numerous interesting looking design, fashion, and philosophy books. Nestled amongst all of these books there was a curious one with an ominous looking figure on the cover. I found my eyes wandering to the cursive title etched in white on the black background "Japanese goth," and I felt shudders down my spine. I found a little treasure in Singapore!!! (we all know how much I love all things Japanese). This book is seriously interesting, it explains the inspiration behind the Japanese Goth trend. 





"Little Cones"

"Little Cones"

"Jardin de Bête"

"Jardin de Bête"

"Jardin de Bête"

"In Between"

I still don't think I really understand Japanese goth, but at least I have some insight into their inspiration. But seriously, how did the Japanese get so...inspired?! I have little experience with Japan (apart from the airport!), so I can't go into much detail, but even going to the airport is like stepping into another dimension. The best dimension ever. I don't know how they do it. 

Dreaming about travels to Japan sometime this year. And having my hair styled in the shape of a small dog. 

Freya xx

* All photographs taken from "Japanese goth" by Tiffany Godoy and Ivan Vartanian 

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